Nuthatch Cache Update

Here is a slight update from my work with the Nuthatch Cache. Since I have taken over online store management and have work as the photographer for the merchandise I am updating the sites images and content. Check out this set of images from the most recent update.

A Wedding With the Kennedy’s

No, this is not the Kennedy’s you have in mind. These photos were taken in late July in Indiana with Sean and Amanda Kennedy. With the weather acting up throughout the day, I am happy how these turned out. You would never know it was raining up until the wedding and then some after.

The Artist as Hero

At last my MFA thesis work has been completed. Inspired by my work with Everything Waffles and the projects that have been taking place with Danger Punch, The Artist as Hero shows you the pathetic nature of my imagination.

Enjoy the gallery of images that a the start of a new project and look at for many new works to come.

Failures of Fiction

Since the Everything Waffles project began I have had an invested interested into costumes and the act of cosplaying. As I do not have the skills to create spectacular costumes and props like others out there I have decided to approach a project in a modest manner.

This project is for my graduate thesis work that explores the failures of aspiring to become the characters we aspire to become. This gallery of images is a portion of the project as I am creating a series of images that follow my own interest.

This is also an excuse to enjoy costume making and creating a series of embarrassing images of myself.

An Update That Pretains to Everything


As Everything Waffles continues to grow I have neglected to update my main site of other work I have created. Recently my work has been related to the playful nature of these portraits.

Here is just a taste from what I have been up to and what might be coming from my work with Everything Waffles.